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Diatomaceous Earth - Feeding to Dairy Cows

Daniel M. Brandt, McFarland, Wisconsin

Results from feeding 5 to 6 oz. of food-grade diatomaceous earth to dairy heard for a period of five weeks: Butterfat tests have shown an increase of 3.7 to 3.9; mastitis, which had been quite a severe problem, came under control (no new cases); cows are brighter and healthier in appearance and milk productio has increased without an appreciable increase in feed.


J.S. Bunker, Bunker Farms, Mesa, Arizona

After feeding 100 dairy cows on DE for approximately one year, the following results were noted: warbles became non-existent; fly nuisance almost completely disappeared; odors were almost completely gone cows have better hair and coat condition and have no desire to lick soil as in the past; vet bills have been significantly reduced; butterfat content has risen from 503 lbs. per cow to 513 lbs.per cow.


Dairy Herd Association Improvement Program, Hussey Farms, Litchfield Park, Arizona

Test run on purebred Jersey dairy cows given free choice access to codex food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE). Average intake was three ounces per cow per day. After six months the following results were observed:

Milk production in the test group increased over 20% with butter-fat content remaining the same. Warbles problems came to an abrupt halt. Feed assimilation imporoved and fly problems were brought under control.

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Scientific Evidence
Read articles published by various leaders
in the industry, showing the amazing
results of using Diatomaceous Earth
and Silica containing products, for
animal and human health.


DE for my sheep
Kalma Hayes
Buccleugh Farm

I keep a small flock of SA vleis Merino/ Witkop Dorpers. You might not be aware but this area is not a sheep area according to the powers that be and I was told that my sheep will start dying and be totally infested with worms. On the contrary, my sheep were healthy happy sheep...
DE for pets & human use

I started taking Healthsil in some juice, and several things changed for me which is very interesting. In the beginning, there were some detox symptoms, I had headaches, pimples, and bad body odor for a week or two, then it disappeared. But here is what was most noticeable:...
DE to Walking Horse
L. Thomas, Trainer, L. Frank Roper Stables,
Winter Garden, Florida

With horses fed approximately 5 oz. of diatomaceous earth mixed in the feed twice daily, the following results were observed:
1. Stopped scours even on horses that had not responded to any other medication. 2. Noticeable fly reduction...
DE with Poultry
C.S. Mangen, DVM,
San Diego, California

Using two groups of birds with each group consisting of 8,000 white leghorn caged layers in their pullet year which had been producing for five months. After feeding the test group 60 lbs. of diatomaceous earth per 1 1/2 tons of standard mixed feed (17% protein) for 2 1/2 months the following results were observed:...

Sheep Farm

Kosie Conradie - Hartswater District

Frisian and Saddle horse stud

Kobus van Tonder - Coligny
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Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Diatomaceous Earth on Egg Quality Traits
Although not significant (p>0.05) at weeks 24 and 40 of age, the higher eggshell thickness observed in hens in intervention groups as compared to control groups in this study could be an indication that calcium absorption and utilization was higher in birds fed on DE supplemented diets.
Effect of Diatomaceous Earth on Growth Rate, Egg Production, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Parasitic Load in Hens Raised on Deep Litter
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